Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Announcing InhibitSS

Short story: I wrote a little tray app that will prevent your screensaver from running. Download it here.

Long story: I’ve been training for a marathon over the last few months, but a couple of weeks ago I hurt my foot and have been unable to run consistently. While I’m recovering (and hoping I’ll be well soon enough for me to be able to race), I’ve got to do something to keep in shape. One of the things I do is to ride my bike on a stationary trainer in front of the computer. While that works well, it’s a pain to unlock the screen if the screensaver kicks in while I’m pedaling, as it sometimes does. So I wrote InhibitSS, which runs in the tray and will prevent the screensaver from running, and therefore the screen from locking. Here’s what it looks like when it starts up:

Then, if you double-click it, it looks like this:

The red X indicates that the screensaver is inhibited.

I’m sure there are a dozen apps just like this. But this one has the feature that I had fun writing it. :)